“Trick” Photography Methods
(Continued from Page 9)
(unfortunately there is no source of page nine until now please inform ME of any findings)
[…] spot light photographed through a copper wire screen to give the shimmering rays which are shown in the conventional paintings representing this sacred history. The massive walls of Fort Schuyler furnished the walls of the City of Jerusalem and the Wise Men followed the Star on the backs of camels in the Bronx Zoo. Photographs of the pyramids were double exposed above a location on a sandy beach for the sojourn in Egypt and the pillared portico of a rich patent medicine manufacturers’ home, served as the architecture of the Roman Court.
Great Demand
Nearly seven hundred prints from the original and two dupe negatives which had to be made to supply the demand were sold and some of the prints are still listed by educational exchanges. Orders were still coming in when the negatives were destroyed in a disastrous studio
fire. [Read more…] about CINEWOLF X-MAS-SURPRISE 07: “Trick” Photography Methods Summarized