When it comes to images, Wolf is hard to beat. Bob Sacha, National Geographic Photographer, USA
The quality of services, kindness and professional commitment we experienced from Wolf really made our event an unforgettable experience for all. Catherine Schueler, Nick Barraud, Motivation, Paudex, SWITZERLAND
Wolf has incredible insight and creativity, and the actors always are captured at their best. Dee Cooke, Casting Agent, USA
Wolf has achieved a real mastery of his medium. Ken James, MFA Screenwriter, USA
He has a broad curiosity and an incredible eye. Sheila Reesor, MFA Sreenwriter, CANADA
Wolf behind the Digi-Beta in the former Studio PETER in Edelsinnstrasse.
Im Rahmen eines Events für 5000 Gäste, durfte ich meine ersten beruflichen Erfahrungen mit Wolf als Mastermind für Regie, Buch und Dramaturgie sammeln.
Solch einen Kreativen im Produktionsteam zu haben ist wie ein Lotto 6er. Akribisch, freundlich und vorausschauend. Danke. Walter Heinreichsberger – GF von Eventmanagement heinreichsberger
Bringing a screenplay to live with Wolf is great. He really has this magical sense for stories. Wolfgang Liemberger, Director, AUSTRIA
The images he creates speak for themselves, showing his attention to detail and his passion for creating images. Carrie LeZotte, Director, USA
He handle’s the entire cast and crew with the highest ability, and has amazing artistic insights into his work. He is a major talent and is the best cinematographer I know. Wayne Bethanis, Concert Pianist and TV Personality, Los Angeles, USA
I was in a 7 Week Film Course, which Wolf taught in 1999. I believe, he, has made a very large impression on my life. John Hartman, Filmmaker, Fort Wayne, IN
I hope he is in a classroom somewhere, as he is a wonderful teacher. Don Kunz, Filmmaker, RI, USA
I remember the passion and dedication I witnessed while studying with a true Master. David Hockey, Producer, CANADA
Zöttl schafft mit durch grosses Fachwissen geschärfter Kreativität, in den Bildern jene Wirkung zu erreichen, die dem Konzept von Buch und Regie ideal entspricht. Dabei ist er als kreative, eigenständige Persönlichkeit ein wertvoller Partner für eine konstruktive und weiterführende Auseinandersetzung. Martin Polasek, Regisseur, Wien